Our members





The Greater Lyon Urban Planning Agency is a French association under the law of 1901. It is involved in planning, urban projects and monitoring the territory. Its teams produce analyses and formulate proposals to lead technical groups and enlighten elected representatives.

The agency works on a wide variety of topics:

  • the environment
  • the economy
  • urban policy ;
  • transport ;
  • land ;
  • major projects ;
  • urban composition ;
  • agriculture ;
  • socio-demography ;
  • planning ;
  • heritage ;
  • digital ;

The Greater Lyon Urban Planning Agency also has international activities and assists its metropolitan area in the context of decentralized cooperation.



Mali’s Regional Development Agencies (ADR) are Regional Public Authorities of an administrative nature created on 02 April 2015. 2016 saw the effective establishment of the ADRs following the appointment of their General Managers. Staff were recruited in the first half of the year.




With legal personality and financial autonomy, the ADR’s mission is to promote regional and local development in its area of intervention. To achieve this, it is responsible for assisting the local and regional authorities in its area of responsibility in the exercise of project management for regional and local development with regard to:


  • the planning of development operations within the areas of competence of the local authorities and in line with the public policies defined by the State.
  • the preparation and programming of development operations, in particular those relating to the improvement of infrastructure, facilities and/or public services for the population.
  • carrying out development operations, in particular those relating to the construction of infrastructure, the installation of facilities and their commissioning.
  • managing local authority services.
  • mobilizing resources to finance regional and local development.

Bamako ADR’s activities include

  • urban marketing for the city of Bamako.
  • promotion of the ‘pedestrian boulevard’ soft traffic mode.
  • building the capacity of local authority technical departments in strategic urban planning.
  • formulating structuring projects for the city of Bamako.


The Federation of Urban Agencies in Morocco (MAJAL) is a non-profit-organization under Moroccan law. It was created by a joint effort between its members and the government authority responsible for urban planning, with a view to linking the Kingdom’s urban agencies into a network.

With this objective in mind, MAJAL, throughout its 10 years of existence, has put the expertise of its members at the service of stakeholders in the field of urban and regional planning, by establishing itself as a source of proposals for the development and evaluation of public policies in this area.

Since the creation of the first Urban Agency in Morocco, in Casablanca, in 1984, the Network of Urban Agencies has continued to develop. Today, the national territory is covered by 30 Agencies with 1,700 urban experts and practitioners. These decentralized entities, placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Urban and Regional Planning, are public establishments with powers in the field of urban planning and territorial development, which mainly concern urban planning, the examination of applications for urban planning authorizations, the supervision of construction sites and the support of local authorities in their development strategies.

To accomplish these tasks, MAJAL is responsible for:

  • promoting and disseminating knowledge acquired in the fields that contribute to the management, planning and development of territories.
  • encouraging all joint reflection, research and studies likely to contribute to a better organisation of urban and rural areas, to the improvement of the environment and of the living conditions of the population.
  • facilitating the pooling of resources and efforts of Urban Agencies in order to carry out actions of common interest (studies, training, cooperation).

The main activities of the network in this context are:

  • Sharing and disseminating good practice through the organization of national meetings of Urban Agencies, as well as seminars and thematic clubs on issues relating to strategic priorities in urban planning and territorial development.
  • Publishing reports and studies on various topics related to the Urban Agencies’ activities.
  • Carrying out actions of common interest in the fields of studies, training and cooperation.
  • The promotion of partnerships with national and international organizations working in areas common to the Urban Agencies.


The Mexican Association of Municipal Planning Institutes (AMIMP) is a civil association formed on December 15, 2003, whose aim is to represent and defend the interests of Municipal Planning Institutes (IMPLANES) in their dealings with other organizations in the same field. It brings together 57 organizations grouped into three Mexican geographical zones (North, Central and South). The association is conceived as a forum for dialogue and the exchange of information, techniques, training plans, urbanization and participatory planning, in order to boost the experience of each organization. AMIMP is an advisory body that certifies and evaluates municipal planning systems.

AMIMP’s mission is to form a group of organizations responsible for integrated planning, to act as a link between public and private bodies by gathering information useful to local and regional government decision-making, and to certify the vision of municipal planning by recognizing contributions to sustainable development.

AMIMP’s objectives are to

  • promote the culture of municipal planning and the creation of municipal organizations in this field ;
  • encourage the exchange of experience and technical information by acting as a link between different planning organizations;
  • encourage the financing and development of municipalities in this field;
  • act as an advisory body to certify and evaluate municipal planning systems.